Dr. Christian Reisswig

Computational Astrophysics & Numerical Relativity


cropped-cropped-ich_2physics.jpgThis page is dedicated to my research in astrophysics and gravitational wave astronomy. Until 2015, I was a NASA Einstein Prize Postdoctoral Fellow in astrophysics at the Theoretical Astrophysics (TAPIR) group at the California Institute of Technology, followed by a brief period as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute) in Potsdam.

My research area is a blend of numerical relativity, relativistic astrophysics, gravitational-wave astronomy and computer science.
I am developing and applying massively parallel fully non-linear and general relativistic hydrodynamic simulation codes to problems of stellar core collapse, black hole formation and long gamma-ray bursts, binary neutron and binary black hole mergers to investigate their dynamics, and to predict their gravitational-wave signals.

More details can be found here.

A list of my publications, as well as talks and research highlights can be found here.

My scientific CV is available here.

If I am not momentarily going crazy about computer simulations, I might be cranking up the volume of my e-guitar amplifier, recording music, or rendering 3D images.